Class 2 2023-24

Welcome to Year 2's Web Page
Here you can find out all about what goes on in Year 2. Our page is updated regularly with news and photographs, along with links to useful information and websites. 
Year 2 Photo Album
News from Year 2
We have just started our new topic 'Dinosaurs'
We kicked off the topic with a 'Roar' when the children came back from their Easter holidays to find giant Dinosaur footprints walking across our playground. This ignited lots of excitement. The following week the children came into the classroom to find three blue Dinosaur eggs, these had been left in a nest with a note asking the children to look after them.
We have been using these exciting hooks to inspire our writing.
The children will be learning all about the time of the Dinosaurs, the names and features of lots of Dinosaurs. They will also be looking at where the Dinosaurs lived, what they ate and why they are not alive today.
We will be having opportunities to look and touch real fossils, learn who Mary Anning was and how important her findings have been. 
We will be making our own salt dough fossils, visiting our very own Chinnor quarry to fossil hunt and have a fantastic trip to the Oxford University Natural History Museum where they will have hands on experiences with Dinosaur fossils from the archives.  
Science - We have started our new topic which is all about plants, the children have planted cress in cotton wool as well as sunflower seeds. We have also ran a class experiment to see if seeds germinate in various conditions. The children will be documenting this weekly in their plant diary, using their investigative skills, making predictions and recording change.
Math's - The children will learn to recognise and write fractions of a whole. We have been taking the children outside using  found objects such a sticks, stones and leaves to create fraction walls. We also made jam sandwiches cutting them up in to halves and quarters. We will be also start to look at the concept of time and how a analogue and digital clock works. 
Bridge to spelling - We are well into our 20 week spelling programme now and the children will be bring spellings home every week - these will be words which use the spelling rule we have been focusing on that week.
Year 2 Stars Gallery
Useful Information
Your child will now be coming home with a reading book assigned to the reading age they are currently on. Please will you read with your child for 10 mins a day and record this in their yellow reading record books. 
We can change books any day of the week, please just tell your child to inform us otherwise we will change books on Monday.
Home work will come home every Thursday or Friday to be returned the following Tuesday.
Class Newsletters
Termly Overviews
Topic 'Dinosaurs' covering History & Geography.
Maths - Fractions, Time and .
Literacy - Poetry and diary entry.
Reading - Little Wandle reading programme & guided reading sessions focusing on vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining, retrieval and sequencing skills. 
History - Learn who Mary Anning was, when she lived and why she was so important in the paleontology world.
Geography - Look at a map of the world and plot where the dinosaur fossils have been discovered.
Art - Map it out - the children will use maps to create their own, making abstract stain glass collage and moving onto making their own felt maps.
Science - Plants
RE - Ceremonies
PSHE/RSE -  Money matters
Useful Links - 2X, 5X, 10X